Archive for January 2011

More ways to use the yuck-o-meter

This yuck-o-meter is versatile. It estimates time, too! Some yuck-o-meter time estimates in action: •Straighten work area: FIVE BILLION HOURS Alternate estimate: 1/2 hour Time it actually took: 2 hours (hm, I’m way ahead of five billion) Yuck factor: Medium •Check email: ONE HOUR, and I’ll feel guilty about spending time on it •Send 3 […]

Some thoughts about starting

The water isn’t going to get any warmer. You can step into the pool slowly, or dive in, or jump in, or sit at the edge and splash yourself for a while—all fine. (Splashing first—my favorite.) But if you want to go in—today, this week, this month—know that the water won’t get any warmer while […]