I belong to a community garden, and when I joined four years ago, I thought, what a glorious escape this will be for a city-dweller. It hasn’t turned out that way. I expected to love gardening. It’s one of America’s top-ten hobbies! My mom and my stepmom have beautiful gardens. My community-garden neighbors have lush and […]
Posted on April 24, 2009, 11:47 pm, by Janet Bailey, under
Everything else.
When I teach classic time management in corporate settings, a question that comes up a lot is, “How can I get other people to manage their time better, so that I can manage my time better?” (Sometimes it’s phrased as, “How can I make the people I work with stop acting like jerks?”) My coaching […]
Posted on April 16, 2009, 12:20 am, by Janet Bailey, under
As a longtime writer who finds the process excruciating much of the time, I’m always on the lookout for ways to make writing less of a battle. (So far, I’m finding blogging to be more engaging and less painful than writing for others for pay, but I still need strategies to manage longstanding habits of […]
One of the differences that daily meditation has made in my life is that I’m more patient. Am I the soul of patience? Nope. But I’m more patient than I used to be. I don’t finish other people’s sentences as often. (I still do it, but not as often.) I interrupt people less. (Or, later […]
TurboTax sent around a catchy press release today naming San Francisco the “Most Tax Procrastinating City in America.” We file our online tax returns at the last possible minute—moments later than Houston, New York and Chicago. It could be fun to speculate about the reasons—we’re so wired we can afford to be lackadaisical? We’re such […]